
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Do not put a sd card in the optical drive of a Dell studio 1558 !!!!

Do not put a sd card in the optical drive of a Dell studio 1558 !!!! Video Clips. Duration : 0.88 Mins.

***Just to help anyone else, Don't panic, turn of PC, take out battery, get a safety pin make it into al shape and get it round the back of the card and hook it out. Alas I pushed it in further trying to get it out with my fingers, further still trying to hook it out with a credit card, and then when I put a dvd in there it must have slotted into a hole. Hopefully people can learn from my mistake and not do it in the first place, or make a save with these tips if they have. If anyone has any ideas on how to get a SD card out of the optical drive of a Dell Stdio 1558, please message me !!! Very Stupidly I inserted my SD MEMORY CARD into the OPTICAL DRIVE CD/DVD of my new Dell studio 1558. The drive works fine but I was filming footage for friend and now the disk is stuck in my optical drive. I'm also worried that it being in my optical drive is not healthy, any advice very much appreciated


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